Smoke & Fire Damper Testing
Smoke dampers are mechanical devices in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning ducts that assist the path of smoke whilst being extracted from a building.
Fire dampers are mechanical devices in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning ducts to prevent the spread of fire inside ductwork through fire-resistance rated walls and floors.
What are my duties?
All fire dampers must be tested annually for operation, condition and local ductwork cleanliness. Some dampers in dirty (dusty) or corrosive areas (sea air) will require more frequent inspections.
You must ensure there is full, unrestricted access to each fire damper to facilitate inspection & servicing, in most cases 2 access panels will be required per fire damper, your annual comprehensive report will detail this if access is not sufficient.
Annual inspection of smoke and fire dampers
Select suitably qualified and competent contractor (accredited)
Read report following each inspection and act on findings
Complete remedial work within reasonable time frame (7 days)
Keep records (minimum 5yrs)
Vector will:
Carry out a full building survey to identify and locate all fire dampers
Produce a detailed report with photographs and findings
Retrofit inspection hatches where they do not exist
Annually drop test each fire damper, reset and report back with findings and photographs
Automatically remind you when your next service is due
Legal duties
HASWA 1974, RRFSO:2005, BS 9999:2017, HTM 03-01.